OrlandoAffordable IT Support and Managed Services

Chamber Tech is a leading IT support company based in Orlando, specializing in innovative solutions geared towards your individual needs as a business. Our wide range of services include dedicated tech support, cloud computing expertise, and masterful network management capabilities. Choose Chamber Tech for your IT needs, and boost your business with our technical knowhow at your fingertips.


Enterprise IT Solutions Tailored for Orlando's Small Businesses

3 Key Steps to Success

IT support is essential, even for small businesses. If you’re looking to grow, or even to maintain what you’ve already got, it’s best to have an expert on your side. A strong tech support team can help you save time, effort, and money by optimizing your systems and ensuring reliable functionality across your whole operation. Chamber Tech’s dedicated IT team will make sure that you’re navigating the modern digital landscape like a pro.

  • Consultation: No matter where you are in Orlando, Chamber Tech offers complimentary on-site or remote IT consulting to determine the best route for your business. Choosing an IT support company can be challenging, which is why our consultations are always free.
  • Dynamic Recommendations: Our IT support specialists will assess your business needs, devise multiple strategic plans, and recommend the best IT services available to enhance your operations.
  • Strategic Implementation: Our dedicated team will courteously set up, manage, and transition your IT infrastructure, ensuring no delays or concerns.

Austin Andrukaitis, CEO Of & Chamber Technologies




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Award Winning Support


Empowering Orlando Businesses With Seamless IT Support Solutions

Chamber Tech’s comprehensive IT knowledge covers a variety services, from optimizing and managing your various technical infrastructures to cybersecurity and even cloud integration. This breadth of expertise allows you to focus on your core operations while Chamber Tech handles all the technical details. If you’re a business in Orlando, you’ll want to take advantage of minimized downtimes, top-notch security, and a whole new world of technical efficiency.

Backup & Disaster Recovery

Keep your business safe from tragedy with our comprehensive backup and disaster recovery services. Unforeseen system failures happen, but Chamber Tech can protect your data in such events through encrypted backups that keep all your data safe and secure. With rapid recovery processes, we can ensure minimal downtime in getting everything restored and in working order.

Help Desk Support

With our 24/7 help desk, Chamber Tech will serve as your first line of defence against technical issues and disruptions that might occur. We are dedicated to offer immediate solutions to any IT challenges you might face at any time of day, ensuring swift resolutions that won’t interrupt workflow. Whenever you have technical trouble, Chamber Tech is only a call away.

Cyber Security

Guard your business's digital frontier with our advanced cybersecurity solutions, designed to shield your assets from evolving threats and malicious attacks. Our proactive approach ensures real-time monitoring, threat detection, and rapid response, fortifying your operations against vulnerabilities and ensuring data integrity.

Get MSP Services Now


High Quality Phone Solutions
Powerful Yet Simple

Whether you’re a small, medium, or large firm, we have the tools to simplify and enhance your telecomunication ventures.

  • Feature Packed - Unlimited calling, Top Tier Service, Inexhaustible Concurrency, Phone Numbers in any Area Code, Toll Free, International Calling, Automated Attendant, Custom Hold Music, Afterhours Automation, and many more!
  • Redundant Private Cloud - Powerful, secure and redundant private cloud network. No matter rain or shine, our systems are protected in state of the art datacenters.
  • Reporting And Recommendations - While you focus on your business, we dive deep into your phone reports to provide you with monthly analytics on your call volume and tracking. Thus allowing us to make recommendations on improvements to your call routing.
  • Versatile Connectivity - Various devices such as desk phones, cordless phones, mobile phones, laptops, desktops, and intercoms, among others, can be seamlessly connected to your phone system. We offer versatile connection options to accommodate a range of devices, ensuring you can access your phone system in a manner that best suits your businesses needs.

Cloud Computing

Secure Your Network Offfsite

Leverage the transformative power of cloud computing to propel your business into the future. By adopting cloud solutions, you gain access to unparalleled scalability, flexibility, and security, enabling your organization to adapt and innovate in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

With the advent of cloud computing, you can access your data from virtually anywhere. This can significantly reduce the upfront cost of IT infrastructure, and whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, Chamber Tech is dedicated to help you meet your specific needs. Our cloud services are cost-efficient, productive, and will provide the edge you need in the modern digital era.

Elevate your business potential with the strategic advantage of cloud computing!


Frequently Asked Questions

A Managed IT Services Provider (also known as MSP, or Managed Service Provider), is a company which provides IT services proactively through a subscription-based model.
Managed IT Support differs from regular IT Support in that a Managed Support company will proactively identify and fix any problems. Working with a managed IT service provider allows you to maximize uptime and reduce the resources used for IT solutions. The main difference is that regular IT companies don't operate in an active way.
IT Support costs in Orland vary depending on what type of contract you have. There are three types of IT Support contract: Managed IT Support, pre-paid work hours, and independent contractor hire (more commonly called break/fix).
The pricing is predictable and follows the usual pricing model of getting discounts for doing more work. Pre-paid hours, for example, will result in a lower price per hour but you will pay a large amount upfront, whereas a Managed Support service agreement is a monthly subscription with the lowest cost per hour.

This is how the independent contractor model of IT Support operates: You have a problem, or something breaks. You call an IT Support contractor, who will send a contractor to fix your problem. The invoice is based on the contractor's rate and any other costs. You don't have to commit to a long-term subscription or pay a large sum of money upfront.

It is a disadvantage that you will experience maximum downtime in your business as you take time to find and fit into the schedule of an IT Support provider. You are also not billed an hourly rate that is cost-effective. If you are experiencing an urgent situation, your break/fix IT support provider may easily double their prices to provide emergency services.

Paying in advance for your IT support can solve a few problems. You already know your IT Support provider. Second, you can get a cheaper solution because you'll receive discounts on your hourly rate. The disadvantage is you will still have downtime because you are responsible for identifying the problem.

Managed IT Services is the last option and it is a subscription. In exchange for a commitment to a monthly service, you will receive superior services. With the IT Support service agreement, you get the best pricing and the fastest service.

Managed IT Services will provide you with IT Support Services that are constantly monitoring your systems and networks to maximize uptime.
There is no single answer to the IT Support questions that every business has. Outsourcing your IT Support in Orlando to a professional company will typically cost less than hiring a single in-house technician.